I make games, raise farm animals, vape weed and fix computers from the 80's.

Joshua Lambrose @Tarienn

Age 35, Male

lowly fuckwit

West Valley City, Utah

Joined on 10/20/05

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I finished Final Fantasy XIII...

Posted by Tarienn - June 14th, 2010

If you're playing this game, hoping it will make sense/be worth it in the end. It doesn't/isn't. But hey! it's the prettiest, brightest, hair ditheringest game I ever had the fortune/misfortune to play! Finished after 56 hours. The game is riddled with flaws top to bottom. All of the money was spent on the graphics, and it shows in the best way possible. I played the PS3 version, I haven't seen the 360 version so I'm unaware of any differences.

Anyway, AuraCore is working on it's first game, Crochet. After looking for a while we finally found a partner to help code! This our first of hopefully many games to come, the art will be handled by our very own Jeinu, and we're in talks with composers to create music.

Also look out for Dead Fog Pt.1 and Must be Dreaming. Also, I joined a robot day collab, with RedHarvest, Eiomaru, NathanielMilburn, Luis, Eiomaru and Yungjazz! Look our for that too! because if you don't, you'll catch fire.

You know what they say! all hamburgers, make great hotdogs...!

I finished Final Fantasy XIII...


I had trudged FF XIII for roughly 20 hours or so before having to take a hiatus. Do you eventually reach an opened, non-corridor like overworld and/or town at any point in the game or is it destined to remain the world's most ambiguous 500 mile dash?

Actually you do reach an sand box like area where you're free to roam around and do as you wish, and there are many elite monsters to hunt. But as soon as you go back to Cocoon it's right back to the marathon.

gratz man! i had a friend who flat out gave up on it!

i love ur new icon btw

Yeah I wouldn't pressure him to finish it haha.

Thanks btw :3

*wall of text*

i have put about 40+ hours into it and yes i can understand why some ppl say it makes no sense, but being one of many FF fans out there i play for the intriguing strategy based game play.I found the Auto button retarded and a bad move on SE's part but i guess it is helpful, having played pretty much every FF game out there i find the story more of the same but still it brought me into the story like all the other games(except FF:X-2 sry but i had to say it). Personally i loved the look having played FF:XIII on the Xbox 360 it looked pretty good(Even being compressed it look better than anything else i seen)i still plan to buy it but for PS3,

on a scale from 1-10 i give it a 8 cause well i loved the look and feel but there where minor things such as the auto button battling and it being fairly linear until you get to explore pulse even then its pretty much same old same old. But one things for sure i loved the new music and the remixed old songs such as the Chocobo Theme for one. I am looking forward to FF:XIII Versus cause the game play is going to be different but watching the trailers and such it seems to make it more modern with the Cars instead of spaceships and stuff(still i haven't seen much of the game but it looks modern styled less futuristic)

One of the main reasons i play FF games is i know i can enjoy it for atleast 100+ hours where as most FPS games and other styled games are way to easy to complete and are well lets say all the same Point and Shoot game play really no strategy and i really only get 5-10 hours max story and rest is multilayer which i play for like maybe 1-3 hours i few times a month cause a new game comes out.

dang i/m ranting again i better wrap up lolz

Gratz on Completing FF:XIII man i myself having completed it and now i am focusing on completing 100% just for the hell of it

Thats a pretty good rundown, I'd give it a 8 as well, if not an 8.5. Because despite the story being absolute drivel I had alot of fun. It was a wild ride!

They messed up by throwing you into the game with next to no powers meaning the first chapters suck. It works for their other gameplay styles but not for this. That said, FFXIII had the best battles imo, especially after the game in the missions and the lowerworld beasts etc, that was very fun.

I'd agree though that for a 50 hour adventure RPG, they need to mix it up with some fun, which towns usually provide.

I agree they made alot of mistakes with this game, they probably had alot of talented people working together, but by having too many people, they all had to come to too many compromises. Too many strong willed people can be a bad thing, since these people want to do that, and these people want to do another, that can't lead to a great game.

make sense/be worth it, doesn't/isn't, fortune/misfortune
Woah, that's too many slashes for one post!


i have just given up on it, i just can't be bothered, i am on chapter 9 with Sahz and Vanille and i just dont wanna play it =[

If you're not having fun now, I wouldn't tell you to hope for anything better later. The whole game is pretty shallow. What you see is what you get :\

I actually lost interest multiple times, taking breaks for weeks at a time. I say come back to it when you're ready, but don't force yourself :]

If you're having trouble finding composers let me know, I'd love to send you some samples

Sure thing! I want to keep our options for music open with this game, if the composers we're talking to don't have what we're looking for. I'll come harass you! :]

I agree with the topic.
I think the battles in story mode were too easy. Cast libra on new enemies, tap X for auto-battle, for the rest of the battle, drink some coffee in the mean time, wohoo!. This game is like a bimbo: Good to look at, have some fun with her while it lasts, but then when you realize how simple she is, that's it!
That's how i though for the first 20 hours of the game UNTIL i got SOME kind of side-missions! Well i gotta admit they were fun while they lasted. I am disappointed by some bosses though and i would have loved to fight the HUGE "guy" in pulse. Oh and speaking of pulse i think it's so damn nice looking. The music and picture blends in so nicely i can wander there for hours looking at the awesome graphics :)

Oh and i have done every side-mission and beaten every boss/enemy in the game. The only thing i have left in the game is to get every weapon/accessory.. but dunno if i will do that since it's a pain and just boring to get money in the game :/

What a long post. But now i got that game out of my mind, anyway :)
Hope they try to make FF15 much better looking on the inside, with more side-missions... Not just fancy graphics which don't really matter in a RPG IMO :) They are really screwing up RPG's if they continue this way...


The auto battle feature was literally laughable when I found out about it. They should have made a feature called "Auto-Win".

The side quests were fun, but I don't think I would call them "sidequests". More like after quests.

Money is a joke in the game. You don't find much of it, you only get it in large sums in rare points in the game.

Hopefully Versus XIII redeems itself, funny if the side game turns out to be better than the main game.

That's what happend when you let them make whatever they want by buying the ff series. It don't make any sense, Chrono series was always better than any ff of their generation, why do they have to repeat every time the same game?

Chrono game for the PS3! I'd buy that!

It's funny though, the game was really highly rated in Japan. Maybe something was lost in translation? :\

Am i played that game for about 9 hours i found it so boring and some of the dialogue just bad at times I love rpgs but im not at all a ff fanboy so i just stopped and went a played better rpgs.

Yeah, I actually had more RPG fun with White Knight Chronicles. It's grind tastic but at least it has that classic feel to it.

awesome, hentaikey girl 5 full game has been leaked for free!! :D

<a href="http://bit.ly/a4b8Ra">http://bit.ly/a4b8Ra</a>